Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tourism: Brazil’s Location

Brazil which is the biggest country in the South America is a unique country with wonderful destinations and attractions. With half of South America’s land and one-third of the population of all Latin Americans, Brazil is a land of the marvelous, transcendent and the tragic. The gross area of Brazil covers approximately half of South America as it is the mainland's biggest nation. At just over 3. 3million square miles, it is slightly larger than the continental United States (Eakin 1997). It extends 4,772 km from North to South and 4,331 km from east to west. Also, border of Brazil meet other nations on the continent excluding Ecuador and Chile. The east side of Brazil is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The north side of Brazil is surrounded by Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, and Suriname. On the northwest, Colombia edges Brazil. On the west, Brazil is edged by Bolivia and Peru. On the southwest, Argentina and Paraguay edge Brazil. On the south, Brazil is placing Uruguay (Infoplease 2000). The population composition of Brazil. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2013) which is the government statistical agency, Brazil's population had increased to approximately from139. 8m in 1990 to 175. 9m in 2003. Also, it is predicted to reach about 200. 3m in 2020. Thus, it is obviously that Brazil’s population has been continually increasing. Brazilian society progressed from succeeding waves of immigration from Europe and Africa. As illustrated by the 1996 census, 83m Brazilians are of European origin including about 60m of mixed race. The black inhabitants are of 7. m and Brazilians of Asian origins are about 700,000. Also, indigenous Indians who live in Brazil are about 162,000. Furthermore, the massive majority of research on racial dynamics in Brazil concentrates on the black-to-white variety. Brazil’s large-scale social surveys usually use three ethnic or color to capture the variety of identifications on this continuum including white (branco), brown (pardo, or â€Å"mixed†), and black (preto). It was surveyed that about 99% of the Brazil’s population included in one of these three classes in the three polls 1991, 2000, and 2010 (Stanley et al. 013). ?The cultural and economic features of Brazil Brazilian identity has been mainly formed by the Portuguese, who delivered its major language and religion. However, it has been shaped by also native indios, Africans and the many migrants from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. According to Burity (2008), even though Indigenous culture has frequently overlooked by urban Brazilians, it has assisted to shape modern Brazil and its traditional myth, dance as well as music. The influence of Afric an culture is also obvious, particularly in the Northeast. Portuguese brought not only a large number of black slaves but also their religion, music and cuisine which have developed a part of Brazilian identity. It is obviously that Brazil is a very racially and culturally compound nation. Brazil’s economy has become a major object of speculation for international stakeholders, researchers, specialists, and policymakers over the world. With filled natural resources, and gradually energetic global corporations, Brazil has been notably selected as BRIC which are the four very large, rapidly emerging economies countries including Russia, India and China. There are several major factors that Brazil can be emerged as a rising star. Those are the strong global demand for the country’s key products, wide-reaching successes for the country’s main corporations, and proper economic policies which have improved confidence. Although once Brazil’s economy stagnated with debt crisis, macroeconomic volatility and high inflation during the 1980s, today, Brazil is more intensely incorporated with the global economy than at any time in the past half century (Brainard & Martinez-Diaz 2009). Brazil’s economic management has been respectable however, public debt quiet remains high, which may pressure on government finances and menace social security. This is one of the major issues in Brazil’s sustained economic strength for the future and sustaining growth to generate employment and reducing government debt can be considered (St Louis 2010). ?Features of Brazil’s natural environment Brazil boasts some of the most marvelous plant and animal life in the world. Brazil has the world’s largest rain forest, as well as the greatest wetlands. Rain Forest covers much of the Amazon river drainage basin while Wetland which is the largest fresh water swamp in the world, is half the size of France. This is mainly flooded grasslands from the River Paraguay which starts in Brazil and flows south to Argentina. This area is called the Pantanal. In Brazil, around 55,000 species of plants, 3000 freshwater fish, 770 amphibians and 520 mammals are found. More than one-third of the reptiles and over half the amphibians take place nowhere else and new species are being discovered constantly. Brazil has five principal biomes which are Amazonia, Atlantic rain forest, Caatinga, Cerrado and the wetlands of the Pantanal. Brazil is huge country and its flora and fauna are scattered across vast regions (St Louis 2010). ?The history of tourism in Brazil Although Brazil is the biggest country in South America and has an abundance of cultural and environmental diversity, tourism has been generally ignored by both policy makers and the private division (Santana 2000). As the challenge of fostering the socioeconomic development by increasing the number of tourists, there was something the federal government took up only in the beginning of 1990s. Its application involved a series of public and private investments which have transformed both the region and social relationships in the areas directly influenced. Until the 1966 establishment of the Brazilian Tourism Institute named EMBRATUR, there was fundamentally no authorized policy of supporting tourism. EMBRATUR regulated several terms which can be considered as the creation of a national tourism policy. However, the initial role allocated to EMBRATUR was inadequate to consolidating the internal market and increasing external demand. In the beginning of the 1990s, an institute made the basic agent for developing official policies for the sector (Bartholo et al 2008). ?The place of tourism in the economic life of Brazil Although Brazil is not a tourism-dependent nation, tourism indicates one of the most vital areas for the successful Brazilian economy as well as the constant country's development. According to Santana (2000), the tourism industry in Brazil has also been generally recognized as a promoter of social and economic development by the introduction of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. With supported by increasing economic development, most tourism indicators had experienced extraordinary growth by 1998. The deregulation of air transport helped out to raise domestic travel to record levels in 1998 the number of air passengers rose by 25 percent between 1997 and 1998. Also domestic travel increased by 43 percent over 1997, when 38. million Brazilians travelled within the country. The contribution to overall tourism receipts in 1998 was significant, with over US $6 billion. The economic stability and strong currency have also made it possible for Brazilians to travel abroad. In 1997 Brazil experienced an unprecedented tourism deficit that destabilized the country’s balance of payments. More than four million Brazilians went abroad compared to 2. 9 million international arrivals. According to the EMBRATUR, domestic and international tourism contributed over US $billion to the Brazilian economy, or 3. percent of the nation’s GDP (Santana 2000). Therefore, it is expected that there is a significant correlation ship between Brazilian tourism and Brazilian economic. Factors influencing tourists’ choice of Brazil as a destination ?Push factors that create tourist demand for tourism in Brazil Push factors refer to the fundamental necessary for engaging in tourism that is for using the facilities provided by the tourism industry (Weaver & Lawton 2006). There are several push factors that create a demand for tourism activity in Brazil. First of all, natural environment such as abundant natural resources are widely used to promote the nation’s tourism. International tourists inclined to be attracted by Brazilian regions which have various attractions such as rivers, waterfalls, national parks, beaches and native forests. These attractions strengthen Brazilian local economy. Also economic and technological development has made Brazil become the world’s fourth-largest internal flight market in terms of the number of travelers transported on scheduled airlines. The number of total internal air travelers in Brazil reached about 77. 4 million in 2011. Furthermore, infrastructure quality affects destination competitiveness in important ways. The quality of a destination’s infrastructure may serve to attract tourists. In the process of choosing a destination, the image of infrastructure will play important role. Another factor can be a political issue that tourists should have the approval of their government to enable them to travel to Brazil. The Brazilian government concludes a number of open skies contracts with several countries during 2009 and 2010 to open its air transportation provision and draw more foreign visitors into Brazil. Furthermore, the development of social tourism can be one of the factors. Vilela de Almeida (2011) mentions that in contemporary society, social tourism has been emphasized because, social tourism provides opportunities for travel and holidays for Brazilians who do not have access to large amounts of discretionary income. There have been attempts by the Brazilian government to provide holiday opportunities for low income local people, for elderly people and for students. Those mentioned factors can be significant roles to develop Brazilian tourism. Components of the tourism supply-side in Brazil ?The ways in which Brazil and its attractions are promoted and interpreted The Brazil’s military government created Embratur, the Brazilian Tourist Agency, with the purpose of reshaping the tarnished image of the country, caused by reports of torture and abuse by the dictatorship. Thus, Embratur became an important instrument for the formation of Brazil’s image abroad (Bandyopadhyay & Nascimento 2010). Also Filho (2005) mentioned that in its advertisements Embratur emphasized Brazilian woman’s physical assets such as big bottoms, their tanned skin and ease of being seduced. Furthermore, Alfonso commented that Embratur, the governmental body responsible for the regulation of the national tourist sector, disseminated images of almost naked women, mostly in Rio de Janeiro, in leaflets and banners. This city and symbols like the mulatta and samba, representing the beauties of Brazilian beasches and the national carnival were chosen to structure Brazil’s image in the international market between 1970s and 1990s. However, today public and private officials are trying to revitalize tourism image as part of more diversified tourist products which includes fishing within rural and eco-tourism. Eco-tourism is promoted in the media by marketing the Pantanal as a ‘paradise’, an ‘El Dorado’ and an ‘ecological sanctuary’. Officials are keen on developing ecotourism in a more planned way which would be coherent with maintaining local natural and cultural resources rather than encourage mass tourism which could provoke the opposite. The development of local rural and eco-tourism was first promoted by government tourist agencies and then taken up by the regional residents (Araujo& Bicalho 2009). ?Services available to tourists in Brazil including transport and hospitality Sustainable services which include transport and hospitality is one of the most significant component of the tourism supply-side in Brazil. Lowry (2012) reports that the tourism plan for the FIFA World Cup 2014 which is developed by the World Cup Executive Group (GECOPA), provide better tourism information to tourists. Also it offers quality services and accommodation, and promotes tourism destinations in Brazil. The plan provides for the construction, renovation or expansion of tourist service centers, the establishment of tourist signage, and civil construction projects to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities. Also Araujo and Bicalho (2009) mentioned that there has been constantly development of amenities for tourism in Pantanal. A new airport was constructed in Bonito municipality and another new airport is scheduled for Porto Murtinho municipality. A paved freeway was built across the Pantanal between Corumba and the state capital Campo Grande. Existing roads within the swamps have been converted into park routes. Also a historic railway between Campo Grande, Miranda and Aquiduana has been restarted as a tourist attraction since 2009. Also there is a network of tourist services in urban and rural areas which include hotels, restaurants, night clubs and other attractions. Furthermore, urban facilities were demanded by tourists so that since 1995, electricity has been available to remote rural areas. Most lodges started to install electric lighting, running water, air conditioning, cable television, internet and mini-refrigerators in the guest rooms and saunas and swimming pools for guests. Tourist facilities also include parking lots, public bathrooms, and access roads to lakes for recreation fishing so it allows tourists easy and safe access to natural attractions. Tourist experiences in Brazil ?performance experiences Many international tourists visit Brazil to get virtuous tourist experience and to gaze the Brazil’s image through Carnival which is the best well-known festival in Brazil and has developed a national event of huge sizes. The country breaks for almost a week and events inclined to be intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities. Carnival in Brazilian culture is considered as much more than a simple celebration. Delgado (2012) mentioned that it is one of the pieces that make up the Brazilian identity. To establish an identity is meaningful to Brazilian. It is through the difference with respect to each other that the idea of unity of the nation is built. Thus, the carnival is an element of differentiation with respect to each other, serving as a mark of a Brazilian. There was naturally basic characteristic change over time in terms of a traditional carnival; however, the contact with tourists as well as the growing popularity of communication, technologies and globalization has accelerated the process. There is plurality of identities, constructed by different social groups in different historical moments. Thus, similar to authentic identity, the original representations are built up and modified as changes social and historical moments. The importance for the Brazilian carnival is undeniable, most popular party in the country which is a place where the transgression is possible, the world of street is transformed temporarily into space. ?Photography Hillman (2007) defines that the photography generates and transmits images and tourist symbols such as sites, memorials and masterpieces and its important role is to construct and interpret the tourist destination image in special historic, social and cultural background. The use of postcards, tourist leaflets, and photographic evidence of journey by tourists is a way of justifying their journey and tourism experience through visual authentication. Also the expanding spaces of cameras and video increasingly are able to represent themselves both to tourist and academics. The best-known example is probably the Kayapo in Brazil. They were supplied with video cameras after work with visual anthropologists and Amazonian Indians in Kayapo are represented by broadcast (Crang 1997). The vivid images of life of Amazonian Indians makes people actually travel around the area. Then they will go back to home with the proof of travel to distant and exotic places, and visual authentic verification that they were actually present in the location. ?Slum experience In Brazil, there is a special place where tourists can have a slum experience. The name of place is Rocinha which is the largest favela in Latin America, and is located in Rio's South Zone. It has not been well-known since until slum tourism have become a recognized form of dark tourism. Ma (2010) contended that slum tourism provides a distinctive experience that today's traveler seeks meaning in their vacations and is moving away from the trend of fun and pleasure. Freire (2008) commented that one of the most popular slum tour organizations is Favela Tours which has seen an average of 3,000 tourists per month for the past ten years. A total of 98% of its market is foreigners, a trend seen across all organized slum tours. Also, Frenzel & Koens (2012) mentions that more than 50,000 tourists participated in organized favela visits in Rio in 2011. And a number of tourists will probably growth with the coming FIFA World Cup in 2014 and Olympic Games in 2016. More recent year the favela tours are also offered in Sao Paulo and Salvador de Bahia. The figure from Brazil indicates that slum tourism is already a highly professionalized business in the country. Apart from guided tours, the destination also offer elements of adventure tourism such as bicycle and motorbike tours, accommodation in the slum and specialized tours focusing on music, food or ecological aspects. Therefore, it is expected that slum tourism stimulate local entrepreneurship and local economic development, and support poverty alleviation. Impacts of tourism on tourists and the host society ?Impact of tourism on Brazilians The impacts of tourism on Brazilians can be both a positive and negative. Tourism has increasingly become a key economic activity for Brazilian. According to Puppim de Oliveira (2003) especially Northeast region possesses a significant potential for the development of tourism such as a warm climate year round, cultural diversity and over 2. thousand kilometers of seashore with attractive beaches. Thus, tourism in this area improves the regional economy, attracting investments, creating jobs and generating income to diminish poverty. Similarly, tourism activities can bring positive externalities to society. For instance, the infrastructure for tourism can be used for other purposes as well. Airports can also be used by locals who want to travel. Roads can be used for transportation of local passengers, and agricultural or manufactured products. In the State of Bahia, Brazil, the paving of the touristic road connecting the small town of Itacare to the arger town of Ilheus allowed the creation of new bus lines. Before the construction, Itacare had only few bus routes so that there were always limited transportation options of the local population. The new road increased access by the local population to Ilheus for shopping, recreation and medical purpose. Therefore, it is clear that tourism industry can improve local economic and employment benefits. On the other hand, there is negative tourism impact on Brazilians. The local environment and society has a limited capacity to absorb and recover from impacts of tourism. If these impacts exceed the carrying capacity, their effects on the environment and local society can become permanent and cause serious environmental, social and cultural problems. Also uncontrolled competition within the tourism industry over environmental resources such as water, land, environmental amenities, can generate undesirable impact on the whole industry. An increasing demand for an attractive unexplored beach can produce a growing construction of hotels and houses at the sea side that can degenerate the primary environmental quality of the beach. This can also cause a series of environmental problems such as deforestation, air and water pollution, degeneration of the landscape, which can negatively affect the quality of tourism or even the whole tourism industry in a region. For example, the Pantanal wetlands face serious threats, including the rapid spread of intensive soy, cotton and sugarcane farming on Brazil’s central plains, which are the source of most of the Pantanal’s water. Furthermore, on Brazil’s coasts, growth of cities and growing tourism developments threaten many delicate coastal marine ecosystems (St Louis 2010). Thus, an uncontrolled growth of tourism in one region can potentially undermine its tourism by damaging its environmental or cultural resources, if proper intervention is not in place. Conclusion ?What are the prospects for the future of Brazil as a tourist destination and what should be done to ensure a successful future for Brazil? As it mentioned above, there is no doubt that Brazilian tourism already shows a major role in the Brazilian economy and that it also represents a substitute for development. There is a constant development of infrastructural in tourism area based on exotic natural environment to attract tourists. Therefore, it is boosting a significant increase of a number of international tourists in Brazil. With 2014 Brazil world cup and 2016 Brazil Olympic, it is expected that tourism industry will be more developed and a number of tourists will be more visited ever before. However, unfortunately, Brazil is now also renowned for the destruction of its natural environment that all of its major ecosystems are threatened and over 200 animal species are endangered. Thus, the amount of protected territory continues to grow. At least 20 new national parks have been created since the late 1990s (St Louis 2010). Also, there is also another negative issue that the sexual exploitation of women and children has made a Brazil portrayed as a sexual playground (Bandyopadhyay & Nascimento 2010). Likewise, the country's reputation as an erotic playground continues to attract the wrong type of tourist with special tour purpose. Thus, it is obvious that protecting Brazil’s natural wonders and changing tourism image should be resolved as essential for Brazilian tourism future. To ensure successful future for Brazil, all stakeholders of Brazilian tourism including government should have an important role to play that not only ensures tourism development which minimizes harm to the ecology, but also provides an economic incentive which encourages preservation and protection. Brazilian tourism has the potential to be beneficial in the several sectors in national economic and local development; however, the tourism also has the potential negative impacts such as some negative images and environmental issues. Thus, the tourism is needed several implications in order to be sustainable. Therefore, to improve Brazilian tourism, this report recommends that firstly it should be enhanced a destination’s competitiveness through the target market’s awareness of the destination and through its positive image. Also, it should be developed a desirable plan to adopt a comprehensive approach which integrates tourism economic development, international or inter regional trade, social development and other marketing goals into an integrated strategy. Secondly, the environmental problems can be minimized by the governments which generate governmental environmental organizations and educate government officials in environmental issues, and enforce environmental regulations. Furthermore, it is important to control of development and tourist flow and creation of protected areas by Brazilian governments which are responsible for creating protected areas for providing incentives for private actions towards environmental protection.

Trader Joe’s Methodology

Methodology The objective of this assignment is to answer the question: Should Trader Joe’s go into the Danish Market? To help answer this problem formulation we have made 6-sub question that research different condition whish must be in place before considering entrance of a new market and the different problem that can occurs. To begin with we have gone through a process of gathering secondary data through Desk-research about The company trader Joe’s, its concept and products. We did the same thing with the Danish grocery market and its consumer segments.Through our secondary research we came across different issues that Trader Joe’s might face when breaking into Denmark (Copenhagen). First of all, we will need to find a matching target group for Trader Joe’s? (Sub question 1). Having found that, we want to study their buying behavior and see what is important for them when buying groceries? (Sub question 2). Up next we will like to see what determine Tr ader Joe’s success in Denmark? (Sub question 3). Besides that we will like to see if its success depends on adaptation and should Trader Joe’s adapt and change (sub question 4).Finally Do they have a chance to compete with the already existing supermarkets in Copenhagen (sub question 5) and what are the difficulties in entering the Danish market (sub question 6) With the secondary information in hand, we also beginning to build up an image of Trader Joe’s as possible target group and of how we can reach to them. (Our assumption of Trader Joe’s possible target group is a young person of both genres between 20-30 of age who is very aware of what he/she eats, want something out of the original and can easily mix grocery shopping and entertaining together. This is just an assumption and we willing to accept otherwise so we set up to examine the truth by conduction research that can give us true primary data. The assignment is based on interviews we did with t o experts whish lay foundation for qualitative interviews with 10 grocery shoppers whish then lad to a quantitative survey research with 110 grocery shoppers, for further study. Each step of the interviews and survey were customized to answer our 6-sub questions whish is going to help us answer our problem formulation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

England During the Reign of Mary Essay

To what extent was England dominated by Spain and the serving of Spanish interests during the reign of Mary? Mary I had widespread popular support throughout England and made a triumphal entry into London once she was made Queen. She was determined to re-impose Catholicism and marry Philip II of Spain, which caused some controversy amongst the public. Philip was Spanish and therefore distrusted, and many in England now had a vested interest in the prosperity of the Protestant church, having received church lands and money after Henry dissolved the monasteries. Marys firm catholic beliefs instilled to her when she was a minor were very strong when she took the throne; however it is questionable how much her marriage alliance with the Spanish Prince affected her policies and decision making, thus allowing Spain to dominate England between 1553-58. At age 37, Mary turned her attention to finding a husband and producing an heir. Her cousin Charles V suggested she marry his only son, Prince Philip of Spain. Philip had a son from a previous marriage, and was heir apparent to vast territories in Continental Europe and the New World. Prince Phillip was Catholic, heir to the Spanish throne and related to Catherine of Aragon, Mary’s mother. Mary wanted to marry him. Lord Chancellor Gardiner and the House of Commons unsuccessfully petitioned her to consider marrying an Englishman, fearing that England would be relegated to a dependency of the Habsburgs. The Catholic marriage was unpopular with the English; Gardiner and his allies opposed it on the basis of patriotism, while Protestants were motivated by a fear of Catholicism. When Mary insisted on marrying Philip, protests broke out. Thomas Wyatt led a force from Kent to depose Mary in favour of Elizabeth, as part of a wider conspiracy now known as Wyatt’s rebellion. Although the alliance gave way to a relationship with France, it gave Spain a large influence in how the country would be run and Mary’s want for a marriage affected her decision making for England. Gardiner and Paget worked together to limit Philip’s powers in England. Although he was to be given the title of King, he would have no power to appoint Spaniards to English offices, to dictate foreign policy, or to retain any power after Mary’s death. Philip stayed in England for fourteen months. He pursued a role within the English government, but was disliked within the Privy Council. Mary, however, often took advice from outsiders such as Charles V’s ambassador Simon Renard and this tended to reduce the importance of the  Privy Council in policy matters. During this time it became clear that Mary was besotted with Prince Phillip which suggests Spain were becoming increasingly involved in England’s relations. Phillip could influence Mary at any poin t which may have affected her authority as Queen. During Mary’s reign from 1556, Philip tried to overcome the resistance of the Privy Council and involve England in war with France. Philip’s cause was helped by the invasion of Thomas Stafford – a Protestant exile in France. In April 1557, he landed at Scarborough was almost immediately defeated and was executed in May. Once persuaded, Mary sent 7000 troops to assist the French war, who were also Catholic after news they were to depose Mary. Although Henry II of France denied initiating the raid, England declared war on France. The English navy lent Spain important support at sea. Although the troops succeeded in the capture of St. Quentin, the war was regarded as disastrous because in January 1558, England lost Calais; the last English territorial possession in France, held by England since 1347. St. Quentin was handed over to Spain and it became clear there had been no gain for England in supporting Spain which aggravated the Public. However, Mary did not join the War with France until June. It had broken out in January and Mary had originally denied Phillip her help as she saw no threat. It was not until the plot against Mary was established that she got involved in the war, which suggests her marriag e did not dominate her decision in protecting the Monarchy and Catholicism. Moreover, Mary had successfully made improvements to the English Army. She had increased ship building and developed the Militia with the Militia Act which was passed in 1558, the foundation for Elizabeth’s Armies, and national defences were built up. An Arms Act was later introduced in providing weaponry to the Army for any attacks. The English navy was reorganised and re-equipped. The main aim was to help Philip in his war against the French, but the improvements were important in helping Elizabeth to defeat Philip’s own Armada thirty years later. However, In January 1554, Sir Thomas Wyatt raised a rebellion in Kent. The rebels marched on London intending to capture Mary and prevent her marrying Philip of Spain. The government discovered the plot, and exiled Courtenay. Wyatt’s plot was strengthened when many of the Government troops led by Thomas Howard deserted to Wyatt. The combined force advanced to Southwark but could go no further because London Bridge was strongly held.  Wyatt and his followers revolted after small fights. About sixty men died in the rebellion and 100 more were executed. The rebellion was a direct cause of Mary’s marriage alliance to Phillip. It had been hugely unpopular and many felt she had allowed Spain to dominate the Country to pursue her want for a Catholic England. Moreover, many believed the marriage led to a decline in the Wool Trade, which increased unemployment and encouraged dislike towards Mary. On the other hand, the marriage treaty was Philip was highly favourable to the English, since it would give the future King of England born to Mary and Philip possession of the Netherlands, even perhaps the whole Spanish Empire. Although Mary was besotted with Philip and her want for an heir, it can be argued her need for a Catholic England and strengthening the English Empire was more important. During her reign, Mary looked to return to a Catholic England, but her Privy Council was divided. William Paget and Mary’s supporters wanted to return to the situation at the death of Henry VIII, a church Catholic in doctrine but independent of Rome. At the cost of her religion, Mary burnt Protestants at the stake, which arguably suggests religion dominates her final decisions throughout her time as queen. Her marriage alliance and the war with France indicate Mary was solely trying to restore Catholicism in England. In conclusion, Mary I was completely in love with Philip II. Her marriage to him allowed the Spain to influence English foreign policy making, in particular the French War which benefitted Spain and cost large amounts of money for England. The public quickly became angry towards the queen because of the unpopular alliance and her want for a Catholic England over the protection of the Empire. Overall, Spain did dominate England in pursing their interests during Mary’s reign as seen by her involvement in the French War which ultimately led to the loss of Calais.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Consolidated and Nonprofit Entities Research Paper

Consolidated and Nonprofit Entities - Research Paper Example This is entirely contrary to statutory consolidation. To understand the concept further, an article on the same subject has been analyzed and contemplated. The article chosen for analysis is the â€Å"Financing Cayman Statutory Mergers – Issues for Lenders† written by Ashley Davies. This article talks about the â€Å"take private transaction† financing which makes use of the Cayman Island Statutory merger working under Cayman Island Companies Law. This article is potential because it raises many Cayman law issues related to lenders. This article attempts to explore some of the crucial points which parties involved in transaction need to be aware of. According to ( Davis 1) â€Å"The Cayman Islands legislature introduced the statutory merger regime in May 2009, and it has quickly become recognized as a simple and effective way to take private listed companies, with many advantages over previously available option†. In this article, the description is about the merger involving Cayman Islands newly incorporated company with an existing company. Problem Statement; According to Ashley Davis, the statutory merger is supposed to be a complex phenomenon. However the Cayman Island Companies is confident about their merger with its private owned companies. But the author here is skeptical about merger process as he finds many dangerous loop holes in it. This article raises many critical issue related to statutory merger and â€Å"take private transaction† issue is one among them .First critical factor in the article can be seen as the take private transaction in context to statutory merger. This factor has a major role to play when it comes to statutory merger because it relates to the merging of private companies. A "take-private transaction† means that a large private-equity group, or a consortium of private-equity firms, purchases or acquires the stock of a publicly traded corporation Another critical factor raised in the article

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Procrassss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Procrassss - Essay Example Another procrastination problem I might face is meeting the deadline for this semester. Looking at the past, I have had to postpone critical deadlines. The other problem I have is socializing a lot in school which makes me push forward my revision time, mostly during lunch breaks and in the evenings (Learning Empowerment & Achieving Potential, 2010). Learning, empowerment, and achieving stipulated goals may help to overcome procrastination problems as discussed. The first thing is to reduce over-socializing at school since it minimizes accomplishment of tasks. Secondly, is to prepare myself to be productive and industrious. Further, it may motivate me to wake up early in the morning so that I can revise. Finally, always do what is right at the right time, and I will be able to accomplish my goal (Learning Empowerment & Achieving Potential, 2010). In conclusion, Procrastination is the thief of time. Since we are not victims of circumstances, anyone can overcome it. By learning from the above problems and solutions of procrastination, it is upon me to do, what is necessary at the right time (Learning Empowerment & Achieving Potential,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

English Language in UAE Universities Research Paper

English Language in UAE Universities - Research Paper Example The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a federation of seven Arab Emirates, is no exempt from the far-reaching influence of the English language. Despite the fact that the UAE recognizes Arabic as the official language, the region uses English as the Lingua Franca. This implies that English serves as the working and unifying the g language in the UAE. Virtually every job in the region requires some English speaking abilities. Further, for the advancement of education beyond junior level, Emiratis are expected to be fluent in English. However, critics insist that mandatory use of English as an instructional language in higher education is gradually eroding the quality of Arabic and undermining the cultural identity of Arab students. It is imperative to note that the UAE holds a high rank among global nations, in terms of higher education applications and enrollment. This could partly be attributed to the fact that the UAE government funds university education and many have come to perceive t his as a right for every Emirati. Most of the instructors in these institutions of higher learning are foreigners, emphasizing the need for a common language. UAE higher education is primarily based on four policy provisions; one among them being predominant use of English as an instruction language (Findlow, 2006). In support of the UAE government’s policy of English instruction in universities, the UAE Ministry of Higher Education places emphasis on specific university admission standards. This ministry with the help of the UAE Ministry of Education, which governs lower education levels, set specific language objectives for schooling in the country (Findlow, 2006). For instance, if a student wants to enroll in a federal institution of higher education, he or she must take a test that measures their proficiency in the English language. Students who score below the stipulated minimal level are usually denied admission even to English-language curricula at the pre-baccalaureat e level. This further implies that the students cannot join any of the three UAE federal universities. More than 90 percent of the accepted students must undergo remedial English training before being allowed to commence studies in their respective degree programs. These standards must be altered slightly to become a bit lenient and avoid denying students the opportunity to further their studies. For example, English learning programs can be increased at primary and secondary levels, but still run concurrently with Arabic lessons. This would give students a higher chance of passing the preliminary university admission exams. Close to a third of government universities’ budgets are used to support Basic English courses after the admission of students. These pre-entry English foundation programs are usually blamed for excessive utilization of resources that would otherwise be distributed throughout the education chain. These programs also waste significant time, since undergrad uates end up taking five or six years to complete their degrees.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Coca-Cola in India Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coca-Cola in India - Case Study Example Coke’s initial response to the allegations that were brought against it by the Indian state could easily be defined as combative. As such, a combative response to such allegations hardly ever proves to be effective as it oftentimes appears that the firm is attempting to hide something rather than engaging actively to ameliorate the problem. Some of these dismissive/combative responses from Coca Cola I have included below: This is perhaps the most salient of the questions due to the fact that Coca Cola has an uphill battle on its hands with relations to public relations in India. Firstly, the company should continue to invest in the environmental infrastructure that shows the company has made a firm and continuing commitment to utilizing the resources of the host country in a responsible manner. Respecting India by being a good and fair steward of the resources exhibited therein would necessarily be a primary item that Coke must change in order to have an opportunity to regain lost market share. Similarly, refraining from participating in culturally insensitive displays such as the one that Coke engaged upon by sending the Coca Cola samples off to laboratories in England to be tested rather than in India is another important step. Similarly, Coca Cola will need to be mindful of the actions of its supply chain members as any one of these can negatively tarnish the image of the company. Furthermore, Coca Cola must cease and desist building bottling operations in areas that are prone to any level of desertification. Additionally, Coca Cola must be much faster in response to such a type of criticism in the future. By actively confronting an issue and working to fix whatever failings the firm might have, the level of customer trust is more or less retained. Similarly, focusing too heavily on the changes rather than actively pursuing to win back consumer

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example Senses play an intricate role in an individual’s thinking. It is, therefore, vital to understand some of the weaknesses they exhibit, and how these weaknesses affect an individual’s thinking. The need to process sensory information is crucial in the growth and development of individuals (Marie, 2010). This paper will examine why individuals need not entirely believe in the accuracy of sensory information, and how this might affect the decisions they make daily. There are reasons why sensory information cannot be relied on entirely by individuals. How people interpret sensory information, is dependent on their judgement. People often choose to look at things in their surrounding objectively, even though, they try not to believe they do this. These psychological biases and cognitive factors make everybody choose what to believe. What one might perceive in one way, another may choose to look at it differently (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). This creates a rift in the perception by individuals about their present situations. Another reason why it is hard to place trust in sensory information provided by the senses includes past experiences. How people interpret the immediate situation may be based on past experiences that led one not to trust their instincts (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). This affects the decisions they might make regarding the given situation. Moreover, the environmental effects affect the interpretation of data. Communication, for example, may be distorted before reaching the intended party. This may be because of noise. These environmental factors affect our perceptions, hence; would not be right to believe entirely in sensory information (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). Repeatability is one factor that may contribute to an individual’s accuracy of sensory data. Senses being exposed to certain conditions on a regular basis may offer an individual accuracy during the interpretation of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

In the introduction of the The Fly in the Ointment, by Joe Schwarcz, Essay

In the introduction of the The Fly in the Ointment, by Joe Schwarcz, the author notes that real-world chemistry engages the n - Essay Example Many cough medicines use similar ingredients, so analyzing a single brand is sufficient to make assumptions about most of the medicines on the market. One such model medication is Triaminic Children's Cold and Cough. This medication contains 5 mg of dextromethorphan HCL as a cough suppressant, in addition to other active ingredients to act in helping with the pain and congestion symptoms of a cold (Triaminic-Novartis, 2011). It is reasonably effective at stopping a cough quickly, and so parents may use it for their younger child while ignorant of, or deliberately ignoring, the recommendations that it not be used in children under the age of four (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2000). What many parents may not realize when choosing to administer these medications to their pre-schooler is the mechanism of action of the dextromethorphan in Triaminic Cold and Cough. Dextromethorphan reduces coughing by actually decreasing electrical activity in the brain, specifically in the parts of the brain responsible for the cough reflex (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2000). This reflex is situated in the brain stem, a very basic portion of the brain involved in nearly all life-sustaining bodily functions (Shannon et al., 2004). This means that in addition to suppressing the cough, the medication can also cause disorientation and drowsiness even for those for whom dextromethorphan is FDA approved, and brain damage and death in young children (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2000). In addition to the possible detrimental effects of dextromethorphan, its effectiveness is actually also in question. Some studies have shown that giving a tablespoon of unprocessed honey to children above age two through age eighteen is more effective at stopping a nighttime cough than medications containing dextromethorphan. The parents of the children in one such study reported that not only did honey produce a similar level of cough suppression as th e medication, children had a better sleep quality after treatment with honey and in fact a better sleep quality with no treatment at all. Some side effects of the dextromethorphan, such as restlessness and anxiety, interfered more with a child's ability to fall asleep than did the comfort level of the child during an untreated cough (Paul et al., 2007). If all children's products containing dextromethorphan, such as Triaminic's Cold and Cough, were removed from the market, there would be a definite lack of available over-the-counter treatment for children's coughs (Maisch, 2007). However, given that there is an available alternate treatment, honey, and the risks of brain damage and even death, parents should be aware that simply because a product such as Cold and Cough is available on the market does not mean they should give it to their children. Even older children can be at risk for serious side effects, and parents should be very careful about making such they provide such medic ations in the correct dosage for their child's age and weight. There are situations where a cough is severe enough in a school-age child to warrant use of Triaminic's Cold and Cough, but in no case should a parent provide a pre-schooler with that or any other cough suppressant medication containing dextromethorphan (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2000). Any cough that is that serious requires the care of a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Conference and Events Management Reflective report on log book entries Essay

Conference and Events Management Reflective report on log book entries - Essay Example Customer satisfaction is the key element in terms of event or conference management organizations. Restaurants and hotels can achieve huge success by satisfying the customers need with quality customer services. The organization has successfully implemented the customer relationship management process in the organization. After evaluating and analyzing all the issues and actions, it can state that effective customer satisfaction and high organizational ethics can make an organization successful within a hospitality industry. Introduction A logbook is a kind of book that helps to record the readings of an event. This is a reflective report of the conference and event management logbook entries. The logbook contains the records of several conferences and events in an event management organization. There are several elements those need to implement in order to make the conference or event successful. A logbook is necessary in event management activities. By the help of logbook, an emplo yee or a manger in an event management company can understand the significance of the procedures or strategies in previous events. Moreover, it helps to evaluate and analyze the action plans of several events. This evaluation and analysis help the managers or the employees to undertake better strategies for the future events and conferences. ... Moreover, the manager was informed about this booking in order to do the double check with the guests. After this, the booking of those persons got confirmed. On 3rd September, a guest from the office came to see the arrangement for the official party. He was shown and explained about the sections of the restaurant. After observing every section of the restaurant, the guest has decided that, they will sit in the section number 3 for the 5th September’s party. Finally the day comes. The employee has the shift till 3 pm. Therefore, the manager had asked the employee to make required arrangement and set up tables for 24 people before 3 pm. The employee has arranged another birthday party on 10th September. It was all about arranging a buffet for 35 guests. The employee had monitored and controlled every single aspect acting as the host of the party. The party has got a successful outcome. The guests had given positive feedback in terms of services and arrangements. The guests wer e satisfied by the customer service. The employee had arranged another birthday party on 19th October. It was a party of 28 people. A lady was celebrating her husband’s 30th birthday. Two other employees had co-operated him to arrange and monitor the party. The employee had to take care of the birthday cake. The lady wanted to serve it before the desert round. On the same day, the manager had asked the employee to check each and every aspect of the restaurant. The health officer had wanted to check the facilities of the restaurants on the health related issues. However, the employee had received a feedback on 20th October about the service and arrangement of the previous night’s birthday party. Analysis of the Results After evaluating

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Revieww the peospects of the UK meeting these targets by 2020, and to Essay

Revieww the peospects of the UK meeting these targets by 2020, and to identify the main barriers that could cause the targets no - Essay Example The paper will throw light on how the EU will meet its target, what barriers it faces and what are the prospect ways in which it can meet its target. Sources of Energy in the UK: In UK energy sources are via both renewable an non renewable sourcues. During 2004, total electricity generated stood as following: gas – 39.93% (0.05% in 1990) coal – 33.08% (67.22% in 1990) nuclear – 19.26% (18.97% in 1990) renewables – 3.55% (0% in 1990) hydroelectric – 1.10% (2.55% in 1990) imports – 1.96% (3.85% in 1990) oil – 1.12% (6.82% in 1990) The currenct electricity consumption in UK stands a 330 TWh p.a reduced in 2009 . At the moment the statistics of it’s fuels stand as following: 1. Coal – 29% 2. Natural Gas- 45% 3. Nuclear- 17% 4. Oil – 1% 5. Hydro and Renewables – 5% 6. Wind – 3 % Coal was the primary source of energy in UK during the 1940s. 90% of the generating capacity of UK was taken care of by coal whil e the remainder was looked after by Oil. Soon UK began expanding it’s energy producing capacity and domains. In the 1950s, it acquired nuclear generating capacity through the Calder Hall that was connected to the grid on 27th August 1956. This set the set trend for various other similar civil stations in the country. At this point more than 26% of the nation’s electicirity was generated via nuclear electricity. It peak in mid 1970s. During this period the overall electricity generation from oil continued to decline. Since the inception of 1993 and all the way through to the 1990s, electricity generation via coal was scaled up to boost gas fuelled generation. Various steps were undertaken to support this endeavor. This includes the privitisation of the National Coal Board, British Gas, the introduction of new policies favoring competition within the UK market and availability of cheap gas from the North sea. The scenario change was from 1.09% to 30.25% of gas produced u sed in electricity generation between 1900 to 2005. By then coal production in power stations had also fallen by 43.6% compared to the previous 1980 levels though it was slightly higher in 1999. During the 1990s and somewhere from it’s mid, reneweable sources of energy began to crop up in UK. They also added to the overall electricity generated, there by giving rise to hydro electricity generation capacity in UK. Current Energy Consumption In the United Kingdom: According to present statistics, United Kingdom is consuming 3894 kgs of oil equivalent per capita. On the contrary the world is consuming approximately 1778.0 kilograms of oil per capital. According to a statistics under taken by worldwide total, the total energy consumed in the last 2 years has been 9.85 exajoules. This means it is an estimated 2% of the world total of 474 EJ of energy. The over all demand for electicity has averaged at 40 GW in the last 2 years and was at 60 GW at it’s peak. The demand for e lectricity has been steadily increasing in the last 5 years in UK. UK 2008-Primary Energy Consumption (Energy resources) The table depicts that in UK primary energy consumption came down by 1.8% in 2008. Table shows that UK is dependent for 75% of its energy from oil and gas. Both oil and gas consumption have increased while coal consumption has decreased by 10.7%.. Almost 40% of the primary energy consumed was utilized in electricity generation. Similarly the contribution by renewable sources of en

Good Communicator Essay Example for Free

Good Communicator Essay Effective communication begins when a specific message is conveyed to people and that your idea is being received and people understand what you are saying to them. This is especially important in the healthcare industry because proper interpretation from patients is critical in them receiving the utmost care and proper diagnosis. Interaction between healthcare workers, doctors and patients is critical in communicating symptoms, diagnosis and test results and treatment of patients. When workers are able to communicate with each other it makes it easier to interact with the patients by having all the needed information, whether it was symptoms relayed from patient, test results relayed from lab or diagnosis relayed from the doctor. There are six characteristics of both supportive and defensive relationships, where one set of characteristics focus on compassion and empathy and defensive characteristics are to the point and abrupt without any interpersonal communication between parties involved. Supportive relationships would seem to be the better choice for the healthcare industry because like a broken wheel halts forward progress, so does non-communication among professionals and patients. When there is no empathy present with a patient they feel like no one understands their problem and feel like they are not getting the help that they deserve. Assertive communication allows an idea to be brought up and talked about but making sure all parties are respected. By being assertive is a learned technique to use and if not done correctly can cause conflicts among the workplace because people do not like abrupt changes in the workplace. Once changes are felt by all and are eventually practiced, it becomes part of a daily routine in the office and there are no longer conflicts having to be resolved. When being assertive one must not become aggressive also or a person would become known as a â€Å"bully† in the workplace and doesn’t care what the consequences of actions will entail. Not only can assertive behavior be bad if not utilized correctly, it may also cause undue stress on the coronary system and could ultimately lead to a heart attack or stroke. When using an assertive style in the workplace, one must be aware of negative reactions that could occur and be able to be ready with additional information to sway the receiver. One must not be too aggressive with tone and pitch of the voice and it will send off the wrong impression to receivers and not sway them to understand what is being said. When faced with aggression most people react negatively and this would not be advisable in a healthcare setting. An example would be when a medical coder has a question on what a doctor has documented in a patients file that doesn’t seem appropriate for the diagnosis so a doctor must be spoken to get more information to code correctly but without pointing fingers at the doctor. If the coder inquires aggressively then the doctor would become irate over being questioned but if the coder were to inquire assertively they would seem more like they just wanted more information to properly code the patient’s records. I fall under the type B personality because I am very easy going, but I do want to be heard when needed. I don’t feel that aggression is the answer but I do feel that one can be assertive and get a point across without being viewed as being too aggressive. Assertiveness takes into account what others feel and say and aggressiveness is all about what â€Å"I† want and need and not what â€Å"they† want or need. Previous positions that I’ve worked, I had many supervisors that used very assertive behavior and they really didn’t get good feedback. When workers became assertive about their needs for specific things at work, then supervisors are more likely to hear what they want and react appropriately. I do have a hard time getting my point across because I know what I want to say in my brain but when it comes out of my mouth it becomes all jumbled and does not make sense. I’m trying to work on my communication skills and am hoping that this course will increase my skills so that I can speak more clear and concise and have people understand what I want to accomplish in the workplace.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Antibiotics for Treatment of Acute Otitis Media

Antibiotics for Treatment of Acute Otitis Media The role of Antibiotics for Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Prevention of Subsequent Development of Acute Mastoiditis in Children Introduction Acute otitis media (AOM) is considered to be one of the most common infections in children. Most of the time it is self-limiting disease without need for antibiotic therapy; however, some children have individual potential for serious complications such as mastoiditis. Acute mastoiditis is still the most common complication of acute Otitis media and is defined as an acute inflammation of the mastoid air cells which are contiguous with the middle ear cleft and arising as a result of spread of infection from acute otitis media beyond the middle ear. The incidence of acute mastoiditis was signià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ cantly reduced following the antibiotic era and the overall incidence of mastoiditis as a complication of acute otitis media dropped to less than 1%.1,3. But some recent literature indicated an increase of the disease incidence especially in countries with less antibiotic prescription [2], while others reported that no increased incidence despite the national restriction guidelines of antibiotics prescription [4]. Most recently published guidelines reported that acute otitis media should be treated initially with supportive therapy with discretionary clinical follow-up and antibiotic treatment is reserved for cases in children younger than 6 months, unresolving cases, or otherwise complicated cases. The aim of this study was to carry out a retrospective analysis of all children admitted with acute mastoiditis and to study the role of antibiotics prescribed for acute otitis media on development of acute mastoiditis. Patients and Methods The medical records of all children admitted, diagnosed and treated as acute mastoiditis in the Ear, Nose and Throat department in King Hussein Medical center, Amman- Jordan during the period 2002 to 2012 were studied retrospectively. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I: patients who received antibiotics for acute otitis media 2 weeks pre hospitalization. Group II: patients who did not receive antibiotics prior to hospitalization. The clinical criteria for the diagnosis of acute mastoiditis were based on the following: Clinical and Otomicroscopic evidence of acute otitis media on admission or recent episode of otitis media within 2 weeks before admission. Post-auricular inflammatory signs (swelling, erythema and tenderness). Anteroinferior displacement of the auricle. Exclusion criteria were: Patients with incomplete data or in which the diagnosis was not conclusive. Patients suspected to have cholesteatoma. Immune compromised patients. Patients with ventilation tubes in situ. Patients who had undergone prior ear surgeries. Data regarding the age, gender, and duration of pre hospitalization antibiotic therapy, the clinical and microbiological findings, treatment modality and the outcome of the disease were recorded. Results During the study period, a total number of 63 children were admitted with the diagnosis of acute mastoiditis (42 males and 21 females) aged from 7 months to 13 years with a mean age of 5.7 years. Out of 63 patients, 56 (88.9%) patients had post auricular inflammation only whereas the remainder 7 (11.1%) cases had a subperiosteal abscess. The preadmission history demonstrated that 52 (82.5%) patients had a history of antecedent acute otitis media within 2 weeks before admission. Before the development of acute mastoiditis, we recorded that 41(65.1%) children were taking oral antibiotics 2 weeks before admission prescribed for acute otitis media (Group I) with duration of therapy ranging between 1-13 days (mean duration 3.6 days). The most commonly prescribed antibiotic prior to hospitalization was amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (n=30) followed by amoxicillin (n = 6), and à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ rst or second-generation cephalosporin (n = 5). On other hand 11 patients did not use any type of antibiotics before admission which was confirmed by the Parents of patients (Group II). The duration of illness before admission of patient was ranging between 1-14 days (mean 3.5  ± 3.1 days). Acute otitis media in the left side was reported to be more common than the right side (25 cases vs. 20 cases, respectively), Whereas 7 children were reported to have bilateral acute otitis media. None of our patients reported to have bilateral mastoiditis. The Clinical features of children with acute mastoiditis on admission are shown in table I. Computerized tomography of the Temporal bone was performed on admission in all patients and cloudiness of the mastoid was demonstrated in all the patients. In 7 cases there was destruction of cortex with subperiosteal abscess. Data regarding microbiological culture findings was recorded in 48 patients, of whom 25 (52%) cultures were taken from middle ear aspirate during myringotomy; culture of pus from the external auditory canal was obtained in 11 patients (23%), from subperiosteal abscess in 7 patients (14.6%) and from the mastoid cavity during mastoidectomy in 5 patients (10.4%). The most commonly isolated organisms were Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Haemophilus inà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uenzae. On admission, all of the patients were treated with intravenous antibiotics and the most commonly used antibiotics were ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, Ceftazidime and Metronidazole. In addition to Intravenous antibiotics, some patients were underwent tympanostomy tube insertion, abscess drainage and cortical mastoidectomy. All patients in our study were recovered uneventfully with these treatment modalities and none of them developed recurrences of mastoiditis within a period of at least one year of clinical follow up. Discussion Although, in the literature the incidence of acute mastoiditis decreased in the last decades, there is some evidence that in recent years, this entity is rising, as Papournas and Kudo [6,9] have reported. However, our series includes 63 cases of acute mastoiditis in 10 years period. The demographic data collected in this study with regard to gender and age was consistent with other series [3, 7, 1 2]. Acute mastoiditis has been reported to be more predominant in boys as has been noted previously [11—14]. The use of broad spectrum antibiotics as initial treatment for acute otitis media, a rather common practice in our country, might play a role in selecting resistant microorganisms. In our study, in which 65.1% children were taking oral antibiotics for otitis media before admission provides evidence for the assumption that widespread use of antimicrobials in treatment of acute otitis media does not provide complete protection against acute mastoiditis. Furthermore, the symptoms of acute mastoiditis may be abated, in consequence of the treatment, requiring a high degree of awareness by contemporary clinicians to watch for manifestations. Therefore, antimicrobials should be used judiciously in treatment of acute otitis media, avoiding the employment of broad-spectrum drugs as an initial regimen. Yet, complete abstention from use of antibiotics in treatment of suppurative otitis media is not advisable, as this seems to increase the risk of complications in general and of acute mastoiditi s in particular [15,16]. Recently, some authors observed that the number of children admitted to some hospitals with acute mastoiditis has risen [12-14]. However, Luntz et al [15] reported that the use of antibiotics is not a safe guard against acute mastoiditis and it may lead to a latent (masked) mastoiditis. Also, Kvaerner et al [4] In their registry based study on 399 Norwegian children proved that the incidence of acute mastoiditis has not been increased in Norway despite the national restricted use of antibiotics in primary care. Findings in children with acute mastoiditis are well described in clinical studies. In agreement with our à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ndings the children are young, and present with retroauricular oedema, protrusion of the ear and abnormal tympanic membranes in addition to various degrees of general discomfort [1,5 – 9]. The most frequent symptom in our study was abnormal tympanic membrane with retroauricular erythema. During the last decade several reports show a decreasing rate of cortical mastoidectomy as the treatment of choice for acute mastoiditis. The rate of surgery varies greatly from 12 – 98% in different studies [1,4 – 8]. This may be due to different criteria for the diagnosis and may also reà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ect the fact that an increasing portion of children are treated in pediatric wards. The increasing tendency for conservative treatment during the recent years may also reà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ect an increasing availability of CT or MR scans to exclude complications. Microbiological culture findings were recorded in 48 patients in this study and Streptococcus pneumonia was the most commonly isolated organism. Similar results have been reported by other authors [2,6,12,15,16]. Other identià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ed organisms were Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Proteus mirabilis and Haemophilus inà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uenzae. Our data do not support that general use of antibiotics in acute otitis media will prevent the subsequent development of acute mastoiditis. Neurological complications was reported in 5 – 20% in the literature [2,3,15], although recent publications show a lower rate of complications [6,12]. In our material none of the patients developed neurological complications. Conclusion References Table I Clinical features on admission of 63 children with Acute Mastoiditis

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Services Provided By Hospitality Establishments

Services Provided By Hospitality Establishments About The Term Hospitality: Hospitality refers to the support, warmth and help tourists look forward when visiting a country they are not familiar with. Its a process in which the host country deals with their guests with good behavior offering them all the basic facilities and also exclusive offerings. This industry in the fruitful business explains the concept of accommodation, catering service, transportation, resorts and sometimes guides as well who help the tourists explore the sight seeing places of the host country (Lankford S.V, 1994). It explains how pleasantly the local community has accepted you and their behavior towards you because of which you feel comfortable and safe in a strange country. Hospitality is the dealings between the local people and visitors depending upon care, respect and sense of belongingness they put forward (Lankford S.V, 1994). Different Hospitality Establishment in Discussion: The three establishments selected to be thoroughly observed in this reports are: Marriot International Corporation Hilton Worldwide Holiday Inn These are three establishment founded in U.S and are known worldwide. The main categories this industry is classified are two that is commercial and non-commercial category. In this report we will discuss commercial category which is composed of variety of sectors that is food sector, accommodation sector, entertainment sector and transportation sector. Structure This assignment is divided into four different sections from section 1 to section 5. Section 1 would discuss the brief introduction about hospitality and names of the hospitality organization selected, section 2 would describe the three hospitality establishment thoroughly, section 3 would describe the service/facilities provided by them. Whereas section 4 will do the comparison between each establishments service provision and the conclusion recommending the better establishment among the three selected establishments. 2) THREE HOSPITALITY ESTABLISHMENTS: C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments200px-Marriott_Logo.svg.png 2.1) MARRIOT CORPORATION: It was formed in 1927 and worked as a single corporation till 1992.The founder of this corporation was Mr. J. Willard Marriot and his wife, but at that time it was a small food stand named as Hot Shoppes which later expanded into different small ventures, services and finally formed a proper company in 1967 names as Marriot Incorporation. However Marriot ended its single entity in 1993 and separated into two entities Marriot International Corporation: Hotel business of the corporation and vacation tourist resorts. Host Marriot Corporation: changed name for Marriot Corporation. It has a accommodation service which has more than 3000 properties in United States and in service in more than 60 countries worldwide and include 10 brands. Some of the famous brands of Marriot Incorporation include names like Residence INN JW Marriott Hotels and Resorts Ritz-Carlton Hotel Marriot Incorporation has its headquarter in United States and it has more than 140000 employees working for it all over the world. Among the world wide hospitality incorporations Marriot International is listed as top most. People with high standards such as celebrities, sportsmen, politicians and rich socialites are the common guests of Marriot Incorporation (Marriot Corporation Online) C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments120px-Holiday_Inn_Logo.svg.png 2.2) HOLIDAY INN: It is one of the most prestigious and reputed service provided which offer comfort, value and pleasure to its customer proficiently. It is one of the brands of InterContinental Hotel Groups. Holiday Inn came into being in 1952 by Mr. Wilson in partnership with Mr. Wallace E. Johnson however the demise of Mr. Wallace, Wilson named the place as Holiday Inn which flourish spectacularly. The main slogan of Holiday Inn clean, friendliness and customer satisfaction was always taken care of and this is the main reason of its prosperity as it has always kept its customers satisfaction to the first priority (Holiday Inn Online). Holiday Inn is categorized among two types that is well developed, full service hotels and comparatively less developed, full service hotels however both the types include basic facilities such as room service, swimming pools, restaurants etc. It contains more than 200,000 rooms total in 1300 hotels worldwide and has more than 90 million guests visiting annually (Hoiday Inn Online). 2.3) HILTON WORLDWIDE: C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments250px-Hilton_Worldwide_Logo.svg.png Hilton worldwide formally known as Hilton International Corporation is owned by Blackstone Private Equity founded in Texas by Conrad Hilton in 1919. Hilton Worldwide own different brands including Hilton hotel resorts, Embassy suites hotels and Conrad hotels. Among which Conrad hotels is a luxury hotel, Hilton hotel resorts and embassy suites are full service hotel. It has 3000 hotels in more than 80 countries and has more than 130000 team of employees working for it worldwide in its every chain of hotels (Hilton Worldwide Online). Vision Mission: Hilton has a vision of spreading warmth, comfort and affection while its mission is to make itself worlds best hospitality organization and satisfying its customers with nothing lower than the best Values: Hiltons values is hidden in its name Hospitality, Integrity, Loyalty, Teamwork, Ownership, Newness forming HILTON. Hilton Worldwide manages it services very professionally as it pays attention to every minor detail including hotel management to supply chain management. They take care of your comfort as their own and provide you with the best and is increasing their satisfaction level annually by 10%. It is working to cater its mission statement by designing new buildings, improving operational efficiency and satisfying their customers by enhancing their experience. Moreover Hilton worldwide make sure they follow safety programs involving earth like reduction of energy consumption, waste by 20%, water consumption etc (Hilton Worldwide online). 3) Services Provided By All Three Establishments: 3.1) Services By Marriot: Vacation Packages: Marriot Incorporation offers various vacation packages to its customers depending on their affordability. Their packages usually include airfares and stay in their accommodation for few nights and also offer special discounts to its members. Out of all the 60 countries in which Marriot Incorporation is operating you can chose any place and can privilege yourself with the vacation packages they are offering. Marriot Incorporation is located at the worlds most preferable tourists spots having beautiful beaches, golf clubs, museums, restaurants while the accommodation service already being offered to you by Marriott making it and over all a promising trip with all the best facilities depending upon your selection (Marriot International Online). Vacation Club Ownership: This is an exclusive offer of Marriot which has a slogan of Carefree, Memorable stay. This package includes best facilities for the customer providing them with the finest option of villas comprising of one, two or three large bedrooms, fitted with all the necessary amenities like kitchen, dryer room, small projector. Some of them also include small swimming pools, fitness center, area for playing golf and kids activities center therefore, having facilities for every generation. You have to purchase the ownership by collecting vacation club points which has three offering: 1500 points : This package is for 15500 and offers vacations in Las Vegas and Colorado with accommodation in studio apartment or 2 bedroom villas. 2500 points: You can get this offer for 25500 while the vacation destinations can be Florida and Palm Beach(Aruba) with accommodation in studio apartment or 2 bedroom villas. 3500 points: This package is for 35500 and offers vacations in Hawaii and California with accommodation in studio apartment or 3 bedroom villas. Other exclusive Offerings By Marriot: Dining: Marriot has the worlds top chef working for them, master in cooking all kind of cuisines for their customers like Italian food, Mexican, Chinese , Japanese, Thai Cuisine including the specialty of the particular country you have visited. Spa: The Spa at Marriot include many varieties of Spa like stone massage, morocco bath, mil sword massage, herbal massage making your trip relaxing by all these offerings. Pools, Exercise Recreation: It has fitness centers which will not let you get idle by your trip, as it will provide you with best fitness facilities along with swimming pools (Marriot International Online). Wedding Honeymoon At Marriot: Marriot has certified experts and wedding planner to arrange your wedding in a dream wedding that is best to the last point. From decoration to food to music selection everything will be perfect at Marriot with the help of specialist working for you according to the customized wedding packages you have opt for. Later you can chose a honeymoon package as well making your wedding complete with Chocolate coated strawberries and banquet in bed ( Marriot International Online). 3.2) Services By Holiday Inn: Family Vacation Holiday Inn states to understand the need of spending time together by families and therefore there major offering are beneficial for families including special discount packages for kids. Kids under 19 years of age can share the room with their parents and stays for free while those who are under 12 can even enjoy free meals anytime at restaurant in Holiday Inn while their menu is composed of fruits, healthy and grilled items that is full of proteins so that you does not have to worry about their health and can easily plan and bring your family for enjoying vacations at Holiday Inn (Holiday Inn Online). Reward Nights A reward night in Holiday Inn is based on point systems. You have to collect points by purchasing some amount and your package will be entertained accordingly. There are 3 kinds of reward packages 10000 points, 15000 points and 25000 points. However the major drawback in this package is this that this deal does not offer you food or any other extra facilities, the charges are jut for accommodation and other basic room services while rest you have to pay again from your pocket. Despite of this fact reward rooms are over booked and reservation for it has to be made beforehand in order to get a room (Holiday Inn Online). Senior Discounts On of the commendable facilities provided by Holiday Inn is their senior package. This package is for seniors of age 62 or above you can enjoy your retirement by spending splendid time at Holiday Inn in more than 100 countries. This discount offer is applied to even rooms which are not up for discounts (Holiday Inn Online). Other Exclusive Facilities By Holiday Inn: Internet Service: People out on vacations wants to stay connected with their loved ones and also likes to update them with latest photographs and details about their trip so here holiday inn is providing them with internet facilities in rooms which help the people stay connected. Moreover its also good for people staying for business. Fitness Centers and Swimming Pools: These facilities allows you to enjoy yourself in the striking blue water forgetting all your worries and diving while also taking caring of your fitness away from your home and regular gym. Basic Facilities leads to comfort: These basic comforts comprises of perfect beds, pillows and shower for you to sleep well and starts a fresh day. 3.3) Services By Hilton Worldwide: Packages: Hilton has wide range of packages at your service Advance purchase packages: This packages offers you 20% discount if you have registers in advance Indulge package: This package has a special validity date and if you register within that date you will be able to benefited with special services excluding the charges of package. Bed and breakfast package: As the name suggests this package offers you a breakfast for two excluding the accommodation charges. Romance Package: Specially designed for the couples this package make sure that the couple is left undisturbed with complimentary beverages, breakfast served in room with special services like spa, swimming pools etc (Hilton Worldwide Online). Other Exclusive Packages Offerings: Apart from the above mentioned packages Hilton Worldwide has other exclusive packages as wells like Romantic journey, Funny bone Package, Bed and Brunch, Stay and dine and give her the sun, moon and stars which has different kinds of offering for their consumers. SPA: Hilton offers an exclusive range of Spa. It does not depend that whether you are at Hilton of Florida or Hawaii, all the chains of Hilton hotel has a spa located in its building promising you a relaxing experience (Hilton Worldwide Online). Wedding At Hilton: Hilton promises to meet your high expectations that you have thought about your wedding day. They have wedding planners which are expert in their work and their chefs will make the tongues of your guests tempt with delicious cuisines. You customize everything about your wedding in your own way and let the experts represent everything you have up till now fantasized about your wedding, from flower decoration to choice of music everything will be planned considering your wish and happiness (Hilton Worldwide Online). 4) Comparison: By going through above collected data the following comparison can be concluded that each establishment organization is working hard and trying to stay ahead of each other by providing innovative services and packages to attract its customers. Marriot and Hilton both offers Wedding Ceremonies package while Holiday Inn does not making it lack on this part. On the other hand Holiday Inn and Marriot both offer points system which is not the present in Hilton. Holiday Inn has this exclusive senior package offer along with special kids discounts making it a good and attractive selection for its customer while Hilton will easy win the hearts by its different, exclusive and unique kinds of packages. Both holiday Inn and Marriot has other activities offering like spa, fitness center helping it to make it at the top again therefore it was correct to state that these three establishments are updating themselves with nothing less than the best in order to stay and make its place in this competitive market. TARGET MARKET: The target market of all these three establishments is upper class economy on which they are focusing immensely by providing them with all the luxuries they wish for and charging them for every facility they offer. However at some reference you will also come to notice that target market of these establishments are considered to be middle class economy which is absolutely wrong or miss understood because the price per package offered by all three establishments are beyond the affordability of any middle class family. These establishments are design for upper class or business men and are providing them with best service any hospitality organization can offer. CONCLUSION: From the data mentioned above and by discussing about the three hospitality establishment we can conclude that all three of them are providing their customers with the best service, brining new and innovative ideas in order to keep themselves ahead in hospitality industry. There packages are attractive and are economical for upper class however the one with the best offering in my opinion would be Marriot Corporation as it has all the facilities that the other two establishments have as well as other exclusive offerings as well making it superior than the other two. Second in the list would by Holiday Inn while the third position will be to Hilton among the three. However the basic facilities provided by all the three establishments are more or less same and the other exclusive offering on which we are ranking them, depends upon your affordability. REFRENCES: Hilton Worldwide online ( Holiday Inn Online ( Lankford, S. V. (1994). Attitudes and perceptions toward hospitality and rural regional development. Journal of Travel Research, 31(3), 35-43 Marriot Corporation Online (

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Precious Powell Professor Kim Lewis Biology of Human Sexuality March 11, 2014 The Impact the Luteinizing Hormone have on the Reproductive System The Luteinizing hormone, also known as lutropin or LH is very important hormone of the reproductive systems in both sexes. The hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland that is secreted through a system called the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis; the actual release of the hormone is through the bloodstream. LH main purpose is to assist with the functioning of the testicles in men and the functioning of the ovaries in women. The two critical functions are to control the production of sex steroid, which are testosterone in men and oestradiol in women, and supporting the germ cell production. The hormone acts specialized cells that surround both sexes’ germ cells to provide an environment to support their maturation and development ("Society for Endocrinology "). It is one of the main phases of women' menstrual cycle. According to First Response, there are three phases menstrual cycle. The first phase begins on the first day ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Students With Auditory Challenges and Mainstream Schools Essay

Students With Auditory Challenges and Mainstream Schools Hearing-impaired and deaf students can better succeed in life when educated in mainstream schools than being segregated in special schools because though they have special needs, they learn to communicate better with hearing individuals and can still attend special programs where teachers with special training can help them in their educational journey. Heather Whitestone, a deaf ballet dancer from Alabama, became the first Miss America with a disability, and Marlee Matlin fulfilled her dream of becoming a famous actress, despite her hearing disability. While many may look at these women in awe, by today’s standards, they are not handicapped. While they may be auditory challenged, the stereotypic disability label has been removed in lieu of a more descriptive, less demeaning alternative. Further, the way they view themselves and the way the public sees them weighs heavily upon their ability to live in a vociferous world. For deaf and seriously hearing-impaired children, many issues surface, particularly when considering educational. For many disabled children proper curriculum is not implemented in their education. Johnson has documented that deaf education largely fails, suggesting a lack of linguistic access to curricular content as well as low expectations. He proposes a new model, which encourages the early use of American Sign Language (ASL). Johnson, and other researchers at the Gallaudet Research Institute, insist that ASL will encourage both the ability to develop cognitive skills and improve the child’s chances to learn English (Johnson 45-7). The proposal includes teaching sign language as the child’s first language and encou... ... Markova, Dawna, PhD. How Your Child is Smart. Berkley: Conari Press, 1992. Marschark, Marc. Raising and Educating a Deaf Child. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Sawyer, Richard J. and McLaughlin, Margaret J., et al. â€Å"Is Integration of Students with Disabilities Happening?† Remedial & Special Education, 1 July 1994: 204. Schmetzke, Axel. â€Å"Disability-related Resources on the Internet.† Intervention in School& Clinic, 1 Nov. 1996: 69. Schwartz, Sue, PhD. Choices in Deafness: A Parents Guide. New York: Woodbine House, 1987. Vaughn, Sharon-Elbaum and Batya, E., et al. â€Å"The Effects of Inclusion on the Social Functioning of Students with Learning Disabilities.† Journal of Learning Disabilities 1 Dec. 1996: 598. Wilcox, Daryl J. and Wigle, Stanley E. â€Å"Mainstreaming Revisited: 20 Years Later.† Education 22 March 1997: 371-81.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: Final Examination

University of Waterloo Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering E&CE 231 Final Examination – Spring 2000 Aids: Formula Sheets (attached), Scientific Calculator Time Allowed: 3 hours Exam Type: Closed Book Instructor: C. R. Selvakumar Date: August 10, 2000 Max Marks: 100 Instructions: Answer all questions in PART-A and any two questions in full from PART-B. State your assumptions clearly. Be concise, precise and clear in your answers General assumptions to be made when not specified in a question: (a) Assume that the semiconductor is Silicon. (b) Assume that the temperature T = 300K c) Use the data given in the formula sheets where needed. (d) Use the following expressions for the Effective Density of States in the Conduction Band (NC) and in the Valence Band (NV) respectively: 3 2 3 3 3 ? m ? ? T ? 2 ? 3 N C = 2. 5 ? 1019 ? ? cm ? m 0 ? ? 300 ? * n ? m* ? 2 ? T ? 2 p ?3 19 N V = 2. 5 ? 10 ? ? m ? ? 300? cm ? ? 0? PART -A 1a) Consider a Silicon p+-n diode with the foll owing doping densities: NA = 1019 cm-3 and ND is 1016 cm-3. The diode has an area of 100  µm by 20  µm. (i) Without doing any calculations, sketch the capacitance versus reverse voltage (VR) starting from VR = 0. (4 marks) (ii)Calculate the voltage at which you will obtain the minimum capacitance and also determine (calculate) the minimum capacitance at that voltage. (10 marks) (iii) Derive the mathematical relations you use in calculating the quantities in (ii) above. (16 marks) 1b) Assuming that the p+ region and the n-region of the diode described in 1a) above are ‘long’ compared to the minority carrier diffusion lengths in those regions, show how you would obtain the complete Current-Voltage (I-V) Characteristic of the diode. You can assume that there is no recombination in the space-charge layer and you need not solve the continuity equation.Sketch the electron and hole current distributions in the entire device. (10 marks) Page 1 PART B 2a) Draw a clearly labe lled band diagram of an n-p-n transistor under thermal equilibrium and superimpose on it a band diagram of the same transistor when it is under normal forward active mode of operations. (8 marks) 2b) Derive an expression for the common emitter current gain $ ($ = IC/IB), in terms of the doping densities in the different regions, thickness and carrier diffusivities and diffusion lengths. Assume that there is no recombination in the neutral base or in the space-charge layers.Also, assume that the conventional reverse saturation current of the reverse-biased diode, IC0, is negligible. Assume that short-region approximation is valid in the base and that the bandgap narrowing in the emitter is important. No need to solve continuity equations and you can assume the expected carrier distributions. (12 marks) 2c) Obtain the modified Ebers-Moll (EM) equations from the original EM equations given in the formula sheet. Sketch Common-Base output characteristics based on the modified EM equation s and show the Forward Active Region of operation, Saturation Region and Cut-off Region. 10 marks) 3a) A silicon n-p-n transistor has an emitter doping NDE = 1020 cm-3 and a base doping NAB = 1016 cm-3. The emitter is 1  µm thick and assume that the hole diffusion length in the emitter is 0. 1 :m. The base is 0. 35 :m thick and you can use the values of mobilities and lifetimes given in the tables in the formula sheet to determine the electron diffusion length in the base. Verify that the short-region approximation is applicable to the base. Assume that the carrier recombinations in the neutral base an in the emitter-base depletion layer are zero. When this transistor is operating in the normal forward active mode with 0. volts forward bias across the emitter-base junction and a 2 volt reverse bias across the collector-base junction, what is the collector current density (JC) and the base current density (JB) ? You can assume that the depletion layer thicknesses are negligible at both junctions. Assume that bandgap narrowing for the emitter doping is 100 meV and the room temperature is 300K. (15 marks) 3b) What is the emitter efficiency of the transistor in 3a)? (5 marks) 3c) What do you understand by diffusion capacitance of a diode? Show (derive) that the diffusion capacitance of a p+ – n diode is approximately given by C Diffusion ?Qp Vt where Qp is the total injected minority hole charge on the n-side quasi-neutral=region and Vt is the thermal voltage (kT/q). Prove that the quantity Q p ? qAL p pn 0 e V Vt (10 marks) Page 2 4a) Consider an n-channel MOSFET and explain how the MOSFET operates using key band diagrams (along source, channel and drain and vertically along the metal gate, oxide and the channel region) and cross-sectional diagrams. State clearly wherefrom the channel electrons come and explain how this is controlled by the gate voltage. (10 marks) 4b) With reference to an n-p-n transistor, explain what is Early Effect and how it arises. Using an approximate sketch show the Early Voltage. Clearly illustrate your answer with the aid of carrier profiles and common-emitter output characteristics. (10 marks) 4c) Contrast the Temperature-dependence of Avalanche Breakdown Mechanism and Zener breakdown Mechanism. Illustrate your answer with sketches of Reverse bias I-V characteristics giving physical reasons. (10 marks) Page 3 E&CE 231 1/4 Formula Sheet C. R. Selvakumar E&CE 231 Formula Sheet 3 1 4? *2 g c (E) = 3 (2m n ) ( E ? E C )) 2 ; (E ? E c ) h 3 1 4? *2 2 g V (E) = 3 2m p ( E V ? E)) ; (E ? E V ) h 1 f FD (E) = (E-E F )/kT 1+ e p 0 = N V e (E V ? E F )/kT = n i e (Ei ?E F )/kT () n 0 p0 = n 2 i 3/2 ? 2? m* kT ? p N V = 2? ? 2 ? ? ?h ?  µn = q? c,n m* n and  µ p = q? c,p m* p ? max = ? qN A x p0 ? 0? r qN + x n0 D = ?0? r 1/2 x n0 ? 2? r ? 0 V0 ? NA =? ? q N D (N A + N D ) ? ? ? 2? r ? 0 V0 ? ND =? ? q N A (N A + N D ) ? ? 1/2 3/2 ? p 0 + N + = n0 + N A D + ? ?2 ? N D ? NA N + ? NA ? D ? + n2 ? + n0 = i 2 2 ? ? ? ? + ? N D x n0 = N A x p0 x p0 n 0 = N C e (E F ? EC )/ kT = n i e (E F ? E i )/kT ? 2? m* kT ? n N C = 2? ? 2 ?h ? ? kT ? n no p po ? kT ? N + N A ? D V0 = ln? ?= ln? ? q ? n2 ? q ? n2 ? i i p( x n0 ) = pn e qV / kT and ? pn = pn ( e qV / kT ? 1) 1/2 for n ? type , where ? c,n and ? ,p are mean time between collisions ? = qmn n + qm p p and r = 1/s dn ? dp ? ? ? J n = q? n µn ? + Dn ? ; J p = q ? p µ p ? ? D p ? ? ? dx ? dx ? D p Dn kT = = = 0. 0259 V at 300K  µ p  µn q n( ? x p0 ) = n p e qV / kT and ? n p = n p (e qV / kT ? 1) ? p( x n ) = ? pn e or ? p( x n ) = ? pn ( 0) e ? x p / Ln or ? n( x p ) = ? n p ( 0) e ?n( x p ) = ? n p e ? xn / L p ? x p / Ln ? Dn ? Dp ? I = qA? n p0 + p n0 ? (e qV/ kT ? 1) ? Lp ? Ln ? ? ? qN ? C j = A? Si d ? ? 2(V0 ? V ) ? 1/ 2 for p + ? n diffusion capacitance: C s = q 2 AL p kT p n0 e qV/kT for p + ? n n ? type regions of width, W: long base diode approx: I p = qAD p ? pn ( 0 )Lp short base diode approx: I p = qAD p ?p 1 dJ p ?n 1 dJ n =? + G ? Rp; = ? + G ? Rn ?t q dx ?t q dx Wm = L p = D p ? p and Ln = Dn ? n VT = d 2V d? ? ? 2= = where ? = q ( p ? n + N d ? N a ) dx ? 0 ? r dx dV 1 dE c 1 dE v 1 dE t ?= ? = = = dx q dx q dx q dx ? xn / L p 2? Si ( 2? F ) qN a for VG > Vth ? pn ( 0 ) W ? Si = ? 0 ? r ? Qd Qi + 2? F + ? ms ? , Ci Ci Q d = Q B = ? qN a x dm ,x dm = Wm ? Ci = Cox = 0 ox = i t ox d 1 2? ? Z? ? I D =  µ n Ci ? ? ? (VG ? VT )V D ? VD ? ? L? ? 2 ?  µ n Ci ? Z ? 2 I DSat = ? ? (V ? VT ) V Dsat = VG ? VT 2 ? L? G E&CE 231 2/4 Formula Sheet C. R. Selvakumar Eber-Moll Model (n-p-n transistor)I EBO (e VBE / Vt ? 1) â€Å"RIC I CBO (e VBC /Vt ? 1) â€Å"FIE ? VBE ? ? VBC ? I E = ? I ES ? e Vt ? 1? + ? R I CS ? e Vt ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VBE ? ? VBC ? Vt ?e ? + I CS ? e Vt ? 1? I C = ? R I ES ? ? 1? ? ? ? ? ? ? E&CE 231 3/4 Formula Sheet C. R. Selvakumar Mobilities in Silicon N = doping density (cm ? 3 )  µ (N) =  µ min + Carrier type  µ0 N 1+ N ref :min :0 cm2 / (v. s) Nref cm-3 electron 88 1 251. 8 1. 26 x 1017 hole 54. 3 406. 97 2. 35 x 1017 Doping density Mobilities Lifetimes (J) as function of doping density N :n :p 1 1 = + cA N2 ? ? SRH 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1322. 3 1218. 2 777. 3 262. 1 114. 1 91. 5 457. 96 437. 87 330. 87 43. 23 68. 77 56. 28 cm 2 v. sec cm 2 v. sec cm ? 3 Doping density N cm-3 Lifetime J sec For both electrons and holes 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 9. 8 x 10-6 8. 3 x 10-6 3. 3 x 10-6 4. 5 x 10-7 3. 3 x 10-8 8. 3 x 10-10 Obtained using the above formula for lifetime using: JSRH = 10-5/(1 + 5 x 1016/N) and CA = 10-31 cm6s-1 E&CE 231 4/4 Formula Sheet C. R. Selvakumar Properties of Silicon and Gallium Arsenide PROPERTY Si GaAs atoms or molecules/ cm3 5. 0 x 1022 4. 42 x 1022 atomic or molecular weight 28. 08 144. 63 density g/cm3 2. 33 5. 32 breakdown field V/cm 3 x 105 4 x 105 dielectric constant, gr 11. 8 13. 1 effective density of tates: Nc cm-3 Nv cm-3 Physical Constants ?1. 38Ãâ€"10 ? 23 J / K ? k ? ?8. 62Ãâ€"10 ? 5 eV / K ? ? 31 m0 9. 11Ãâ€"10 kg ?0 8. 85Ãâ€"10 ? 14 ? r (Si) 2. 8 x 1019 1. 04 x 1019 4. 7 x 1017 7. 0 x 1018 11. 8 ? r (SiO 2 ) 3. 9 h electron affinity, eV 4. 05 6. 62Ãâ€"10 c 3Ãâ€"10 q 1. 6Ãâ€"10 4. 07 energy gap, eV 1. 12 1. 43 intrinsic carrier conc. , ni cm-3 at T = 300K 1. 5 x 1010 1. 8 x 106 effective mass electrons holes m*n = 1. 1 m0 m*p = 0. 56 m0 m*n = 0. 067 m0 m*p = 0. 48 m0 intrinsic mobility @ 300K electrons cm2/Vs holes cm2/Vs 1350 480 8500 400 diffusivity @300K: electrons cm2/s holes cm2/s 35 12. 5 220 10 F / cm 10 ? 34 J ? s cm / s ? 19 C

Dreaming has been there since the existence of man Essay

Dreaming is a communication between the body, mind and the spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state of being. Our brains being active way all the time, but at different states of consciousness example, being alert, awake, asleep, bored, day dreaming cause different waves in brain as far as the activity is concerned. The brain mind and spirit, while at rest (when a person is sleeping) will review and analyses many things. This goes around emotions, ideas, thoughts, actions of a short terms memory. This has a background of someone’s past life, and philosophy to influence it. The mind is also processing spiritual data, beliefs, and any communication from the higher power (God). All this information together with subconscious of what people ever told you, is then processed but without supervision by any person. All this information is put together by the mind in a form of Visual Screen play, as a mixture of many things such as sight, sound, emotion and imagined interactivity. This will definitely yield that which is referred to as dreams. Dreaming is easily influenced by factors in a person’s life and spirit, these influences bring about divisions that almost same as God’s. They are usually categorized as standard, prophetic, nightmares and physical dreams. Standard dreams have a tendency of precognition happening randomly. Prophetic ones are those dreams carrying a message of what is going to happen in the future. It could be calling for repentance, change of behavior or getting prepared for an on coming disaster. Nightmares are sort of dreams that will frighten or upset the dream and it may take some time before someone gets back to sleep after having a nightmare. This is why dreaming is such a important thing because sometimes it may bring wealth, health, escape, spiritual gain etc. if dreaming is taken seriously, that is if people could get to concentrate and remember their dreams, there could be very important messages hidden in the dreams. Dreaming may be important to remember and I will discuss a few ways that would help a person interested in recalling their dreams do so. It is believed that if you get to bed a well relaxed person, pay attention to the main issues on the mind, give yourself a suggestion/idea to remember your dreams, plan to wake up slowly and peacefully such that you don’t lost track of the dream you may have had by rocketing out of the bed; then most likely you will manage to recall the dreams you had in the night. It is also suggested that each a well balanced diet will help recall your dreams this is for the reason that all parts of the body including the brain is well nourished with a healthy diet. Once the person recalls the dream, it is important to analyze it. This can be done by identifying the main concept of the dream. This will involve taking away all details and looking at the dream as a whole. Concepts are for helping someone find the bigger picture and since they are too vague to use as a clear picture it is important then to take away details that appear vague and be left with the very central picture. Once this is done then it is important to match the concept to a certain area of your life. Try to see if there any element of your life that seems very precious to you, and then look if there is any possibility of it being damaged in any way as far as the dreams is concerned. If the answer is that there could be damage to your life, then re-examine the situation and the solution might just present itself to you. Dreaming and its meaning are somehow related to animals and other universal symbols. Animals are sometimes symbolizing our traits, good or bad. Vehicles are to symbolize the direction we are headed. Children may symbolize something new and joyous while clothing may symbolize moods which are also related to attitudes we usually have. While dreaming about death may be common and scaring it is believed to bring changes and very dramatic and major ones. It may symbolize confronting fear of change or fear of death. It could also signify threat. Another common dream is that involving people. This may be a symbol of a personal trait as long as the dream is not prophetic.